Iarnród Éireann Over Height Vehicle Detection System (OHVDS)
Working with Clonmel Enterprises Ltd, Mineo successfully supplied and installed an Over Height Vehicle Detection System (OHVDS) for Iarnród Éireann on the approaches to an over bridge on Amiens St in Dublin. There are 2no. detection sites, at Seville Place and Beresford Place to detect over height vehicles and activate dynamic warning signs advising drivers to take an alternative route.
TII M50 Intelligent Transport Systems Deployment Contract
Working with Roughan & O’Donovan-AECOM Alliance (RODA) , Mineo has supervised the civil works carried out at the gantry sites on the M50 road network in advance of the installation of new Variable Message Signs (VMS) and Lane Control Signals (LCS) forming part of the enhancing Motorway Operations (eMOS) M50 Traffic Flow and Optimisation (MTFO) Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) Deployment Contract.
Mineo Technical Services Ltd continues to provide support to RODA with this work, supervising the installation, commissioning and integration of the electronic equipment being deployed at all gantry sites on the M50.
Luas Cross City
Working on behalf of Sisk / Steconfer JV during 2017 providing specialist traffic signal integration services during Luas construction. Preparation of temporary signal installations, coordinating civil, technical and traffic management (TM) resource to facilitate construction works.
Design of temporary traffic signal controller operation configurations for integration to Dublin City Council’s Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) operating system.
TII Traffic Management Contract
TII National Traffic Management System.
Working with Electro Automation / Clonmel Enterprises JV in 2017 and 2018 to provide management support for the Transport Infrastructure Ireland Traffic Monitoring Unit Operation and Maintenance Contract.
The contract provides 24/7 365 maintenance services to over 280 counter classifiers throughout Ireland including 6 weigh in motion sites.
Services included the development, integration and commissioning of Asset and Fault Management System, tracking life cycle of equipment faults in real time. Ensuring compliance to specification and adherence to key performance indicators.